Professor of Paediatrics and Head of Section (Paediatrics), Imperial College, Professor of Paediatric Respirology, National Heart and Lung Institute, UNITED KINGDOM

Professor of Paediatrics and Head of Section (Paediatrics) at Imperial College; Professor of Paediatric Respirology, Imperial School of Medicine at National Heart and Lung Institute; and Consultant Paediatric Chest Physician, Royal Brompton Hospital. He is an NIHR Senior Investigator. 


His main research interests are the invasive and non-invasive measurement of airway inflammation and physiology in childhood airway disease, especially really severe asthma and pre-school wheezing. He leads a Wellcome strategic award studying the evolution of epithelial and immunological development in the first three years of life, and is a Principal Investigator in the MRC Asthma UK Centre in Allergic Mechanisms of Asthma and the Asthma UK Centre in Applied Asthma Research. He has published more than 400 peer review papers, and more than 150 reviews, editorials and other contributions. He has supervised 35 doctoral theses. He has been Deputy Editor of the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine (the highest impact factor respiratory journal, the only Deputy Editor from outside North America), and Head of the Paediatric Assembly of the European Respiratory Society. He was the Joint Editor in Chief of Thorax, then the 2nd ranked chest journal in the world, and top-ranked outside North America, the first paediatrician to hold this post. He has served as Associate Editor for Europe for Paediatric Pulmonology. He has been Visiting Professor at Melbourne Children’s' Hospital, at Wake Forest, North Carolina, USA, and Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, where he delivered the annual George Polgar Lecture. He was 2007 Charles West Lecturer at the Royal College of Physicians. Other visiting Professorships include Miami Children’s Hospital and Virginia Commonwealth University and he has been Nancy N Huang Professor at St Christopher's Hospital, Philadelphia.  He was 2008 Jonxis Medallist, University Hospital of Groningen, Netherlands, and in 2011 was given the Imperial College Rector’s Award for Excellence in Research Supervision as well as the Rector’s Medal in Research Supervision. Amongst other awards, Professor Bush was the Otto Wolff medallist, Royal Society of Medicine, Richard Talamo Lecturer (Boston, USA) and 13th Ludwig Engel Visiting Professor, 2013 (Sydney, Australia, the first paediatrician to be given this honour); in 2014 he received the ERS Assembly Lifetime Achievement Award and became one of the first 130 ERS (Foundation) Fellows; in 2015 he became the first person to receive both the CIPP Presidential and Past President’s awards.

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