Ass. Prof. Director of the School of Public Health, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University in Milan (IT)
Prof. Odone qualified in Medicine and specialized in Hygiene and Public Health at the University of Parma, Italy. She received an M.Sc. in Epidemiology from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (London, UK) and an M.P.H. in Health Policy and Management as a Fulbright Scholar from the Harvard School of Public Health (Boston, US). She holds a PhD in Medical Sciences from the University of Parma. Since 2017 she is Associate Professor of Public Health at the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele (Milan, Italy) and, from 2018, Director of its School of Public Health. She serves as consultant physician, responsible for the Unit of Clinical Epidemiology and HTA at the San Raffaele Research Hospital (HSR) and she is member of HSR Ethics Committee. Professor Odone’s research is in the field of infectious diseases control with a focus on vaccines and immunisation programmes and policies. Currently she is part of the European Joint Action on Vaccination (EU-JAV) and PI or Co-PI of several research projects, currently including one on the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to support vaccine uptake in Europe, one on the impact of different immunization policies on coverage and one on the epidemiology and control of tuberculosis in Italy. Odone’s competencies and experience in the field of vaccine preventable diseases have been useful in serving on various scientific boards and committees, including: the Italian Society of Public Health’s work group on vaccines and immunization polices, the IFA European Committee on Adult Vaccinations Work Group, the Coalition for Life-Course Immunisation, the Happy Ageing Alliance. She consulted the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control for projects on HPV infection and vaccine and on key infectious diseases affecting migrant populations in the EU/EEA. She is author or co-authors of two university textbooks, five book chapters, several reports and thesis and, over 80 Medline indexed research articles.

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