Professor of Neonatology, Chief of the Neonatal ICUs, Emma Children’s Hospital, NETHERLANDS

Anton van Kaam is currently professor of neonatology and the chief of the neonatal intensive care units at the Emma Children’s Hospital in the Amsterdam University Medical Centers in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. He did his medical and pediatric training in Rotterdam at, respectively, the Erasmus Medical Center and the Sophia Children’s Hospital. 



Following his certification in 1997 he moved to the Emma Children’s Hospital in Amsterdam, where he did is training in Neonatology until 1999. Since then, he has been working as a consultant in Neonatology and obtained his PhD degree in 2004. In 2010 he was appointed chief of neonatology at the Emma Children’s Hospital and in 2018 also at the VU university medical center. In 2014 he was appointed as full professor of neonatology. His main research interest is on lung physiology, control of breathing, respiratory support, ventilator induced lung injury and lung protective ventilation in neonatology. In this field he has done both experimental and clinical research. He is currently also involved in large national and international clinical trials.

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