Professor Pediatrics (Emeritus), Shaare Zedek Medical Center
Arthur I Eidelman MD FAAP FABM graduated from the Einstein College of Medicine in 1963 in New York and trained in Pediatrics and Neonatology at the Yale University School of Medicine. Board certified in both Pediatrics and Perinatal and Neonatal Medicine he returned to Einstein in 1969 as the Director of Newborn Services and Assistant Director of Pediatrics. In 1978 he moved to Israel and established the first Department of Neonatology in Israel, served as the first President of the Israel Neonatal Society and as Founding Father of the Israel Board of Neonatology. Subsequently, he became Chairman of the Department of Pediatrics at Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem, and Professor of Pediatrics at Ben Gurion University of the Negev, the Hebrew University School of Medicine, and Research Scientist at Yale University Child Study Center. Dr Eidelman has authored over 200 peer reviewed articles, monographs, and textbooks in the field of Pediatrics and Neonatology on issues related to infection, breastfeeding, nutrition, infant neurobehavioral development and medical ethics. Dr Eidelman serves as the International Editor of The Journal of Perinatology, (the official Journal of the Section of Perinatal Medicine of the American Academy of Pediatrics -AAP), as a member of the Editorial Board of Breastfeeding Medicine and the Journal of Human Lactation, as a member of the Medical Advisory Board of La Leche League International. He is the lead author of the 2012 AAP Policy Statement: "Breast Feeding and the Use of Human Milk".
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