Professor of Practice, Paediatric Respiratory Medicine, Imperial College Clinical Director
Claire Hogg is a Consultant at The Royal Brompton and Harefield Foundation Trust in London, UK. She is the clinical lead for the National Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia [PCD] Diagnostic service, in London. The Royal Brompton is one of three National specialist centres for PCD in the UK where there are an estimated 3,000 patients. The Royal Brompton service cares for over 300 patients and sees around 400 referrals for diagnostics each year. This represents one of the largest PCD cohorts in Europe. Alongside the clinical service, Claire runs an active research programme, focussing on chronic suppurative lung diseases, with a specific research and development programme aiming to bring advanced PCD diagnostic tests into clinical practice. Foremost of these is our 3 dimensional electron tomography programme. Development of this technique has allowed for identification of previously unknown ultrastructural abnormalities in the axoneme of patients with novel mutations such as Hydin [pub 2012], dynein regulatory complex defects and those with DNAH11 mutations [pub 2017]. These genetic variations had no previously known ultrastructural defect as determined by conventional 2D electron tomography. We also have close collaborations with the geneticists at UCL, resulting in several novel gene discoveries. My group have also led on validating Immunofluorescent Antibody staining techniques within the PCD diagnostic pathway [pub 2017], leading to a clinical roll out of this techniques across the national Service. She is the UK lead for the first clinical trial in PCD as part of an EU programme grant [BESTcilia FP-7], am Head of the BEAT-PCD training School [EU COST Action grant] and a member of the EU PCD Taskforce. I lead the PCD domain for the current Genomics UK project, tasked with improving genetic diagnosis for all patients with rare diseases.
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