Full University Professor (permanent staff). Department of Paediatrics. School of Medicine. University of Granada, SPAIN

Professor Campoy is a Director of the EURISTIKOS Excellence Centre for Paediatric Research - Health Sciences Technological Park (PTS), Person in charge of the Research Group-PAI-CTS-187 on: "Nutrition and Metabolism in Pediatrics". 




Membership positions:  ESPGHAN Committee on Nutrition; Early Nutrition Academy Steering Group (ENA); ESPGHAN representative at the EU Platform for Action on Diet, Physical Activity and Health. European Commission; Committee on Nutrition of the Spanish Paediatric Association (AEP); Nutrition Expert Group of the SEGHNP; Royal Academy of Medicine of Granada, Spain; Royal Academy of Pharmacy of Catalonia, Spain; Spanish Academy of Nutrition and Food Sciences. Co-ordinator of the FP7 NUTRIMENTHE EU Project and the PREOBE Excellence Project and UGR principal investigator of: PREciSE, DynaHEALTH, EarlyNutrition, MyNewGut, NutriOMICs, EARNEST and NUHEAL EU Projects, GD-Brain, EVASYON projects and member of the Spanish Research Network on Epidemiology & Public Health (CIBERESP-ISCIII). Coordinator of the Official Interuniversity Master on “Genetic, Nutritional and Environmental Factors for Growth and Development” (NUTRENVIGEN-G+D Factors). More than 290 papers & chapters in National-International Journals and books, more than 580 abstracts and many Conferences in National and International Meetings.

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