Clinical Epidemiologist and Paediatrician, Sophia Children's Hospital, NETHERLANDS

Daan Caudri, MD, PhD, is a Clinical Epidemiologist and Paediatrician, specialized in Respiratory and Sleep medicine at the Department of Paediatrics, at the Sophia Children’s Hospital of the Erasmus MC University Medical Centre in Rotterdam.  He obtained his masters in clinical epidemiology and PhD (cum laude) in 2010 at the Erasmus University Rotterdam (prof. J.C De Jongste), investigating the causes and prognosis of preschool wheeze. 


From 2010 – 2015 he was trained as paediatrician at the Sophia Children’s Hospital Rotterdam. From 2015 – 2018 he moved to Perth, Western Australia, where he performed his Respiratory and Sleep fellowship at the Perth children’s Hospital, under supervision of Prof. dr. S. Stick. His research focusses on the epidemiology and prognosis of childhood respiratory diseases, with a particular focus on cystic fibrosis. He has been a board member of the Junior Representative Committee, Long Range Planning Committee, and Guidelines Working Group of the European Respiratory Society (ERS). He is a honorary research fellow at the Telethon Kids Institute, University of Western Australia, Perth. As a paediatric respiratory specialist at the Sophia Children’s Hospital he is responsible for the respiratory care of children attending the Paediatric Chest Centre, a nationally accredited center of excellence of care.

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