Programme Manager for Mental Health, WHO Regional Office for Europe
Dr Dan Chisholm is Programme Manager for Mental Health at the WHO Regional Office for Europe (based in Copenhagen, Denmark). He works with WHO Member States and other partners to develop and implement national mental health policies and plans, as well as provide guidance, tools and advocacy for the promotion of mental health and the development of prevention, treatment and recovery services across the life-course. He was formerly a Health Systems Adviser in the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse at WHO Headquarters Office in Geneva, Switzerland. His main areas of work there included development and monitoring of global mental health plans and activities, technical assistance on mental health system strengthening, and analysis of the cost-effectiveness of strategies for reducing the impact of mental disorders. He has published widely in these areas over the last twenty years, including the Lancet’s series’ and recent Commission on global mental health as well as the mental, neurological and substance use disorders Volume of the third edition of Disease Control Priorities (DCP-3).

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