Co-Founder and Head, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome National Diagnostic Service
Dr Glenda J Sobey is co-founder and head of the Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome National Diagnostic Service in the UK and Honorary Senior lecturer at the University of Sheffield. Dr Sobey is a Consultant Dermatologist with qualification in Clinical Genetics. Her unit is responsible for the diagnosis of rare and atypical EDS. This includes specialist clinical evaluation, skin biopsy with electron microscopy and molecular genetic testing for all known EDS genes in the Sheffield laboratory. This service acts as a full clinical genetics service including genetic counselling. In addition her team advises on and coordinates management of this group of patients. Together with cardiology colleagues she runs a specialist EDS cardiology clinic for patients at risk of blood vessel rupture. Dr Sobey has an active role in teaching and lectures nationally and internationally. She has published widely. She is particularly interested in promoting early diagnosis in rare disease to allow optimal outcome for patients and families.

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