Assistant Professor of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Utrecht University, HBSC

Gonneke Stevens is an Assistant Professor of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences at Utrecht University. In the last fifteen years she conducted several large scale studies on ethnic and socioeconomic differences in child internalizing and externalizing problems in the general as well as in at-risk populations, she (co)authored various publications in internationally peer-reviewed journals within this research area, and supervised four PhD students. In her projects she collaborated with many national and international scholars from different Universities. Her PhD project was one of the first representative epidemiological studies on the mental health of immigrant children in Europe. Also, she supervised a national study on risk profiles of incarcerated Moroccan immigrant and Dutch native boys, a (quantitative and qualitative) study on mental health care use in immigrant adolescents and a study on the early identification of families at risk of different mental health problems (with a special focus on socioeconomic status and immigration). Moreover, she recently developed several experimental studies for instance on aggression evoked by ethnic discrimination. As a member of the Health Behavior in School-Aged Children (HBSC) study, a large-scale WHO collaborative cross-national study conducted in approximately 40 countries in Europe, she is chair of the social inequality focus group and a member of the scientific development group. Within this study she is currently working on several internationally comparative studies on the impact of migration and gender on adolescent health.

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