Professor of Physical Activity and Public Health Science, University of Strathclyde
Prof John J Reilly (BSc, PhD) is Professor of Physical Activity and Public Health Science at the University of Strathclyde (, and was formerly Professor of Paediatric Energy Metabolism at the University of Glasgow. His research combines physiological studies (e.g. doubly labelled water studies of total energy expenditure) and epidemiological studies (e.g in British birth cohorts such as ALSPAC and the Gateshead Millennium Study). His research work in children and adolescents focuses on: prevention and treatment of obesity internationally; the health consequences of low physical activity; objective methods for measuring physical activity and sedentary behaviour; the development of sedentary behaviour; physical activity and cognition. He leads the Active Healthy Kids Scotland Report Card (, and is on the Executive Committee of the Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance (, a 40-nation initiative aimed at building global capacity in physical activity research, surveillance, and policy. He is on the editorial board of the journal ‘Pediatric Obesity’, and was a member of the Science and Evidence Group for the WHO Ending Childhood Obesity Commission (‘ECHO’). He has nearly 300 peer-reviewed papers with an h index of 42.
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