Teacher, Master in Sexology and PhD and PostDoc in Health Education
Teacher, Master in Sexology and PhD and PostDoc in Health Education. She has developed her research in the sexual(ity) education area. She is a researcher at the "Social Adventure " team as well as the ISAMB, University of Lisbon, in the areas of Health Promotion, Promotion of Personal and Social Skills, and Promotion and Prevention of Risk Behaviors in Adolescents particularly in the topics of Sexual Education, HIV / AIDS, and violence. Lúcia gained her postdoc and PhD from the University of Lisbon and her Master degree from the Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias. Since 2008 she has been a member of the Portuguese team of the HBSC (Health behavior in School Aged Children), a WHO collaborative cross national study on adolescent health and health behaviours. She has developed research for her PhD within the Sexual health focus group. She has been participating in several national and international projects (HBSC, RICHE, YSAV, Dream Teens...) and is (co) author of various book chapters and scientific papers on adolescents’ sexual health.

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