Paediatrician, Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie Carol Davila (RO)

For almost 30 years I have been working efficiently at “Alessandrescu-Rusescu” National Institute for Mother and Child Health of Romania (IMCHR) as member of various medical teams [in Emergency Department, Intensive Care Unit, Respiratory Diseases Unit] and since 1991 I’m an academic in the Pediatric Department of Carol Davila Medical University of Bucharest. In 2012 I was appointed Associated-Professor and Head of 2nd Pediatric Clinic of IMCHR. In Romania my communication skills and professional performances were commended by two National Societies, were I was appointed as board member: National Society of Pediatrics- SRPed, since 2013 (member of National Council of SRPed) and National Society of Pediatric Respiratory Diseases since 2010 (reelected 2014). I am founder of a Social Media educational project (registered as trademark "Spitalul Virtual pentru Copii") that has more than 157.000 followers, both parents and physicians. The impact of this project in changing landscape of communication and education in Romanian language was recognized by Special prize of the jury at COPAC 2017 Gala (national medical communication contest), by the first prize in 7th European Communication Contest Vaccines Champions 2018. In Prague 2018, at 10th Excellence in Pediatrics Conference, I was invited to present my Social Media project, and since than I am a collaborator of Life Course Immunisation Focus Group, developing multiple vaccine-related educational programs in Romanian language. This work was recognized in WHO Report on Regional and Local Activities 2019 (Highlights of European Immunization Week 2019).

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