Consultant Epidemiologist, National Centre of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases
Formerly Professor Mira Kojouharova was Deputy Director of the National Centre of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases Sofia, Bulgaria (2008-2016) and Head of the Department Epidemiology and Communicable Disease Surveillance. From 1996 to 2016 she was the National consultant on epidemiology to the Ministry of Health (MoH) of Bulgaria. In the capacity of National consultant she participated in great number of MoH activities in the field of CD surveillance and prevention: strengthening the National Communicable Disease Surveillance System including EWRS and epidemic preparedness and response; strengthening the National Immunization System (improving the organization, performance and monitoring of the immunizations, the national vaccine coverage and the quality of reported data, injection safety; new vaccines and schedules introduction); facilitating the harmonization of the National CD Surveillance System with the systems of the EU countries and the process of integration with the surveillance network of EU. Professor M. Kojouharova was Principal Coordinator of the establishment and implementation of the system of Sentinel Surveillance of Influenza and ARI in Bulgaria and Principal Coordinator of the MoH working group in charge to prepare the first National Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Plan. Her professional domain of expertise is epidemiology, prevention and control of communicable diseases: research and teaching in the field of postgraduate education in epidemiology, surveillance and control of communicable diseases and practical work related to the surveillance of communicable diseases in Bulgaria. Research interests: particularly focused on vaccine prevention, influenza and acute respiratory diseases in adults and children, poliomyelitis and viral hepatitis, reason for participation, management and leadership of twenty odd international research projects. Mira Kojouharova is author and co-author of over 200 publications in medical journals and 90 presentations at conferences and congresses. At present Professor Mira Kojouharova is a member of the European Regional Verification Commission for Measles and Rubella Elimination (RVC). Formerly she was member of several national and international professional bodies and advisory committees.

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