Professor of Clinical Medical Education, University of Groningen. Dean of Medical and Faculty Development,  Isala Hospital, NETHERLANDS

Professor Paul Brand (1961) did his paediatric residency in Groningen (the Netherlands) and Curaçao (Dutch Caribbean). After a fellowship in paediatric pulmonology in Groningen, he started working as a consultant paediatrician in Isala hospital in Zwolle, one of the largest teaching hospitals in the Netherlands, in 1997.


Focusing on asthma and allergy, he combined clinical work with well-known research, particularly on preschool asthma and adherence to daily controller medication. He was active in various positions in the European Respiratory Society for almost two decades. Since 2007, Paul has been the dean of postgraduate medical education at Isala hospital, overseeing the quality cycle of all 28 postgraduate medical education programs, and a professor of clinical medical education at the university of Groningen. In 2018, he was appointed dean of medical education and faculty development at Isala Hospital, overseeing the professional performance of > 400 consultants and > 100 specialist registrars, and the associate program leader of LEARN, the University of Groningen’s research program on medical education.

Paul published more than 200 international peer-reviewed papers, a series of textbooks and chapters, and two novels in Dutch. He is married with five children.

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