Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Dept. General Pediatrics, ErasmusMC - Sophia (NL)
My interest in research is primarily guided by the need for improving care for the child at risk for serious infections. This drives the interest in identifying biomarkers of serious infections, and developing tools to support physicians in decisions on management and parents in their decisions of help-seeking behaviour. Specific research areas are to improve the recognition of serious illness in the febrile child: evaluation of the diagnostic value of predictors of serious infections (clinical signs and symptoms, vital signs, inflammatory markers) in febrile children and supporting parents in evaluating their febrile child. Making routine data from EHR (‘big data’) available for epidemiological studies on ED. Implementation of decision support in febrile children at the paediatric emergency department. Cooperation with the Department of Medical Informatics and the Research Suite. National collaboration within the PEM-NL group (Dr. A Lebon, Albert Schweitzer Hospital Dordrecht; Dr. M van Veen, HAGA Hospital, The Hague; Drs. D. Borensztajn, ErasmusMC Rotterdam) and the COPP (COVID-19 in pediatric patients) consortium (lead by Dr. E. Buddingh, LUMC). International collaboration within the REPEM group (Research European Pediatric Emergency Medicine) and the EPISODES (Epidemiology, severity and outcomes of children presenting to emergency departments across Europe during the SARS-COV-2 pandemic (lead Dr R.G. Nijman, Imperial College London, UK).

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