Principal Investigator, Institute for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, HBSC AUSTRIA

Dr. Felder-Puig was born in Austria. She holds a Master’s degree and a PhD in Psychology and a Master’s degree in Clinical Research. Sie has been doing research since 1994, when she, while working in a children’s hospital in Vienna, Austria, got engaged in the assessment of health-related quality of life in children and adolescents having survived a malignant disease.
She participated in a couple of successful cooperative projects with researchers from Canada and the United States, which resulted in numerous publications in scientific top journals. Thereafter, she focused in her work also on children and adolescents with other severe diseases as well as healthy school children. She left the children’s hospital in 2006 to work at a newly found research institute engaged in health technology assessment. In 2009, she changed to another institute focused on health promotion research where she headed the department „Health Promotion in Schools“. She worked there until the closure of the institute in 2016, and continues her work, with some of her former team members, at the Institute for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in Vienna. Dr. Felder-Puig is principal investigator of the Austrian HBSC study and engaged in a number of other research projects with children and adolescents as target groups.

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