Prof. Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin,, Department of Pediatric Pneumonology and Immunology
Susanne Lau, M.D., PhD, is a consultant for pediatric allergy and pneumology at Charité Medical University. She is the head of the department of Pediatric Allergy and Pneumology and is responsible for pediatric bronchoscopy at Charité since 2008. She is co-chair of the section of pediatrics within the German Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (DGAKI). Furthermore, Susanne Lau was chair of the Pediatrics Section within the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical immunology (EAACI) from 2011-2013. Sine 2013 she belongs to the ExCom of EAACI as Member at large and is The co-chair of the Task Force: "Allergen Immunotherapy in Allergic Asthma – an EAACI initiative“. From 2004-2009 she was the work package leader of the work package "birth cohorts“ within the EU funded Gallen-Initiative of Excellence. Her research activities are cohort studies, investigating the development of asthma and allergy in childhood; allergy prevention and environmental allergens. She has published more than 120 peer-reviewed articles in academic journals and her Hirsch factor is 51. She is member of Charité commission for extraordinary professorship at faculty.

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