Specialist of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Polyclinic for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation “Prof.dr.sc.Milena Stojčević Polovina”
Dr Svetislav Polovina, PhD, is a Vojta and Bobath therapist, specialist of physical medicine and rehabilitation and research associate. He graduated from the University of Zagreb Medical School in 1992, and finished residency in physical medicine and rehabilitation in 1999. The main focus of his work is rehabilitation of children with developmental disability; he particularly concentrates on exploring and proving the effectiveness of rehabilitation in children with cerebral palsy, early diagnosis and early start of therapy, as well as developing intensive method of rehabilitation in this children. He completed his Master’s degree in Biomedicine at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, in 1997. In 2011 he received his PhD degree at the same University with the thesis “Influence of Early Rehabilitation on Change of Spontaneous Movements in Newborn with Brain Damage”. He published several articles on rehabilitation of children cited in CC. He participated in various projects at the University of Zagreb, School of Medicine; most recently in the project developing the algorithm for prevention of neurological impairments in children with intrauterine growth retardation. He has lectured on many seminars for public and professionals, scientific gatherings and postgraduate studies. He organises and teaches courses for paediatricians, physiotherapists and other professionals about early development of a healthy child, which is a prerequisite of early recognition of children in need of a therapy. Since 2000 he has been a physiatrist and head-master in Polyclinic for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation “Prof. dr. sc. Milena Stojčević Polovina”, the institution highly specialized in paediatric rehabilitation.

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