Pediatric Rheumatologist/Immunologist, Pediatric Infectiology/Immunology/Rheumatology, Erasmus MC, University Medical Center Rotterdam
Dr Kamphuis is a pediatric rheumatologist/immunologist at Sophia Children’s Hospital, Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam, the Netherlands. She has a PhD in cellular immunology and research focus on SLE. She worked 2 years (2009-2011) as Lupus Clinical Research Fellow with prof. E.D. Silverman in the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto. With Prof. Silverman as PI, she initiated and coordinated the international study ‘How genotype influences Phenotype in SLE’, aiming to compare genetic data (Immunochip & custom-made chip) from 1000 childhood onset SLE patients with 1000 adult onset SLE patients. Manuscripts from this genetic study are currently in preparation. After return to the Netherlands in 2011, she initiated a prospective database for cSLE patients in Rotterdam with (longitudinal) biobanking of patients’ samples. In 2012 she received a research grant to study adult outcomes of cSLE patients (The nationwide Dutch CHILL-study). Nationwide inclusion of patients in this study has recently ended, biospecimens have been collected from 111 cSLE patients and 45 SLE patients. Abstracts have been presented at ACR-, EULAR- and PReS (Pediatric Rheumatology European Society)-conferences and manuscripts are currently in preparation. In addition, Dr Kamphuis has a close collaboration with Dr. Versnel, immunologist and leader of the autoimmunity group, Department of Immunology, ErasmusMC. Together they study Interferon type 1 activation as potential biomarker in cSLE and aim at unraveling underlying mechanisms for Interferon activation. Dr Kamphuis has ample experience with registries & cohort studies, being a collaborator on JIA registries (ABC registry, Pharmachild), PROFA genetic JIA cohort study, and initiator, now collaborator of the Rotterdam Transition cohort study of adolescents (12-22 yr) with autoimmune diseases. Internationally, Dr Kamphuis works closely together with prof. Beresford, leader of the UK juvenile SLE cohort. Together they are the leaders of the work-package SLE/Vasculitis/APS in the European project ‘SHARE’, an EU funded project aiming at developing evidence based-guidelines for children with autoimmune diseases, PI Prof. Wulffraat UMC Utrecht, and endorsed by PRINTO & PReS. The manuscripts regarding cSLE , lupus nephritis and pediatric APS have been published recently.
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