Psychiatrist and Epileptologist, Catholic University, Roma, ITALY
Dr Charlotte Dravet, is a Psychiatrist, specialising in epileptology, and a Consultant in the Department of Infantile Neuropsychiatry at (Pr E.Mercuri), Ospedale A . Gemelli, Roma, Italy. She was resident physician at the Centre Saint-Paul from 1965-1988, then Associate Medical Director of the Centre Saint-Paul from 1989-2000. Dr Dravet is the author of the first (“princeps”) description of Severe myoclonic epilepsy in infancy (1978) which was later renamed Dravet Syndrome, and which is recognized as one of the most severe epilepsies of the first year of life and is a model for studying genetic childhood epilepsies. She was formerly President of the French League Against Epilepsy from 1997-1999 and Ambassador of the International League Against Epilepsy in 1989. She won the European Epileptology Award in Vienna in 2004. In 2017 Dr. Dravet received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the ILAE and IBE. In 2011 she was nominated Chevalier in the French Order of the Legion d’Honneur. She is a member of the French Neuropediatric Society and Honorary member of several chapters of the ILAE and is an invited speaker to numerous international congresses and symposia throughout the world.
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