Professor of Psychometrics, Department of Psychosocial Science, University of Bergen, NORWAY

Dr Torbjørn Torsheim is a Professor of psychometrics in the Department of Psychosocial Science, University of Bergen, Norway. His primary research focus is on emotional well-being during early adolescence. 



His specific areas of interest include quantification and measurement of mental health and emotional well-being, as well as adolescent health inequalities related to sex and social class. Torsheim gained his PhD from the University of Bergen with a dissertation on the relationship between psychosocial school environment and health complaints during early adolescence. He has been a member of the Norwegian HBSC team since 1998. Since 2019, he served the role as Assistant Data Bank Manager to the HBSC study. Torsheim is an experienced researcher and the author of 120+ peer reviewed journal articles on adolescent health.

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